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"The Curious Adventurers serve as your groundbreakers and companions to happily discover your new getaways. Select from the Active, Fliquer, Zach and Zetta for your next on-the-go adventure to the city, beach, or wherever!"


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    Muted - Bright Burgundy

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Muted - Coffee Brown

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Muted - Saddle Brown

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Outback - Crags

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Outback - Ridge

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Outback - Selvans

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Outback - Tropican

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Quantic Specters - Quantum Ray

    These flip flops are layered with robust rubber insoles and outsoles to provide the ultimate ease for your long walks. Endless comfort for endless day...

    Quantic Specters - Space-Time

    These flip flops are layered with robust rubber insoles and outsoles to provide the ultimate ease for your long walks. Endless comfort for endless day...

    Shibori - Hideyoshi

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Shibori - Ieyasu

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Shibori - Keiji

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Shibori - Shingen Phthalo

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Solarboon - Beachin

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Solarboon - Nova

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Solarboon - Overcast

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Solarboon - Samhradh

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Solarboon - Tropic

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Solarboon - White Sand

    These are the classic flip flops, made with 100% rubber; your easy-on and easy-off pairs that take you on the adventures and misadventures along the b...

    Status Quo Mistral Winds - Carsten

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Status Quo Mistral Winds - Elliot

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Status Quo Mistral Winds - Lisakki

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Status Quo Synesthesia - Deep Luminosity

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Status Quo Synesthesia - Silent Luciditty

    These are time-honored flip flops that are designed to capture the spirit and energy of your dauntless sole. Active Lifestyle flip flops are made with...

    Valiance - Eadwell

    These flip flops are layered with robust rubber insoles and outsoles to provide the ultimate ease for your long walks. Endless comfort for endless day...

    Valiance - Flean Ford

    These flip flops are layered with robust rubber insoles and outsoles to provide the ultimate ease for your long walks. Endless comfort for endless day...

    Valiance - Gondefle

    These flip flops are layered with robust rubber insoles and outsoles to provide the ultimate ease for your long walks. Endless comfort for endless day...

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